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hauvernecaman https443 net

  1. Can I use another port other than 443 for HTTPS/SSL... - Stack Overflow

    Ports from 1024 on are freely useable. As an example, you could use port 30443 for SSL VPN if your VPN gateway supports port reassignment and the SSL VPN client (if any) does this as well. If you access SSL VPN via web portal you can add the custom port number in the URL like this: "https...

  2. Can I use another port other than 443 for HTTPS/SSL... - Stack Overflow

    443 port is typically used for HTTPS/SSL.

  3. html - https works fine but *.com:443 gives a 400 error? - Stack Overflow

    Ive got a site up (apache centos) that has no issues connecting over https but when I try to call a page with the 443 port defined ie example.com:443 I get a 400 error. Ive looked at the httpd.conf and listen 443 is uncommented.


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